Like the peanut gallery, but less abrasive.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Two Excellent Posts from Two Excellent Blogs

Don Boudreaux is not afraid to take uncommon stances. He is brilliantly iconoclastic without being contrarian or cynical. Here are some humbling words to Reaganites and Obama-Fanatics alike, from a Cafe Hayek post of his from earlier this week.

"Being libertarian, I find no romance in collective action. The yearning to be part of a great collective "challenge or crusade" - be it conservative or "liberal" - reflects humans' tribal instincts. These instincts served a sound purpose during our hunter-gatherer past, but are today at odds with the individualism that makes us free and prosperous."

Also, Tyler Cowen wrote an informative post revealing some holes in the commonly expressed sentiment (I seem to hear it often) that Cuba is a somehow Utopian and care-free.

"The most shocking part is what small sums of money they would ask for or be made happy by. Or the numerous women -- and I mean ordinary women in the streets -- who would offer their bodies to a stranger (handsome though I am) for a mere pittance."

Oh Tyler, you dog you...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

anyone who thinks cuba is prosperous needs to wake up from their illusions