Like the peanut gallery, but less abrasive.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Primary Results

I learned something about myself while watching the returns come in throughout the last night: I would love to see Mitt Romney make a better showing. Had I cast a ballot at all, I almost definitely would have supported McCain, but deep down, I'd like to see that conservative Republicans still exist in the numbers that they did just a few years ago.

If one thing was made clear last night, it is that Republicans don't trust conservatism to produce the prosperity they once thought it could. I disagree with that statement and can only speculate on why so many Republicans have taken a turn towards the moderate. Economic illiteracy is likely one reason. President Bush's inability to veto anything with a price-tag attached is probably another.

I don't think Mitt Romney can win against either of the Statists on the left, so I still would like to see McCain with the nomination. Unfortunately, if Romney garnered enough support to prove that America is still conservative but not enough for the nomination, then McCain would face an even bigger struggle in making it to the White House.

So it turns out that conservatives are less divided about John McCain than the right-wing pundits would have us believe. How conservative they are, though, is yet to be seen.

1 comment:

Ali said...

go mccain! i hope he chooses Giuliani as his VP...