Like the peanut gallery, but less abrasive.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Martin Luther King Day

Amazingly, during the 13 years I spent in the public school system, despite all the talk about civil rights and the accomplishments of Dr. King, I had never actually heard his famous speech in its entirety. Without actually watching the speech, listening every word he uses and how he uses his words, I couldn't begin to understand the colossal importance of the event and especially Dr. King himself. Young people should understand why he is only one of two people in America's history to be honored with a Federal holiday (here in Berkeley he is the only one, as Columbus Day has been changed to Indigenous People's Day). Public schools: This one is easy, just show the clip.

In the future, if you want to honor Dr. King on his day, circulate the link to friends and family. It came to me via e-mail from my dad, John.